The ACTIVITY of God Becomes the PATTERN for Man
We are in the season where the rains of spring have met the cold of winter. There is a newness in the air as the leaves begin to grow back and the flowers start to bud. It all speaks of new opportunities, of new hope and new dreams. With Easter just around the corner, we know that NEW LIFE is on the way!
It’s essential that we understand the ACTIVITY of God becomes the PATTERN for man. What we see God DO becomes a pattern for us to follow. When God wanted a family, He sowed a Son into the fertile soil of Passover. That one seed has accounted for generations of harvests. You and I are a part of that harvest today. God’s activity has become a pattern for us to follow.
All year long we respond to God by giving 10% of our income intTithe, but this one time a year, as the Father did so long ago, we respond by giving it all – a best seed, a sacrificial seed, ONE ENTIRE WEEK'S INCOME!
The result of the Father's seed was salvation to all who would believe. After just three days, that seed broke the chains of death, and released LIFE to you and I. The Father's seed activated the promise of salvation. I believe that the result of your seed will be no less potent for you and your family. As we enter this Resurrection Seed season, I pray that you would allow God to speak to your heart. Allow Him to stretch your faith. Your miracle is waiting for you to ACTIVATE it!
Making the Promises of God Our Own
The Apostle Paul declared in 2 Corinthians 1:20 that “the promises of God are YES and AMEN!” A promise is a declaration that one will do something specified. I would like to shout it from the rooftop – YOU HAVE A PROMISE! No matter what the situation of your life, and no matter how painful it may be, you still have a promise. Even in the darkest of nights, you can hold on to the promise of God. As long as you have a promise, you have HOPE! But a promise is only a promise until it is ACTIVATED with a seed. To ACTIVATE is to make something active or operative. Just because something is PRESENT doesn’t necessarily mean that it is ACTIVE. There are many promises and provisions of our salvation that are AVAILABLE to us but are not ACTIVE in our lives. You will never face a trial that the Cross of Calvary did not make provision for; it’s up to YOU to ACTIVATE it. Harvest may be promised but it takes a SEED to activate that promise. Your promise is YES and AMEN. When we say “amen” we are making the substance of what has been said OUR OWN. It is our spirit declaring “so be it” to every promise that God has made available to us. Have you made the promises of God your own? Do you trust that God will do exactly what He said He would do? When you get to the place where you wholeheartedly agree with His Word concerning you – all you have to do is ACTIVATE it! God has made a way for us to enter into His promise for our lives. That promise includes healing, deliverance, and prosperity. It is up to us to activate His promise with a seed. God activated the promise of salvation through the seed of His Son. This Resurrection Season, I wonder what promise your seed will activate? What are you believing God for? I want to encourage you as you prepare to sow your seed this Easter, BELIEVE His promise and activate it with a seed!
Futures are Created by Obedience to an Instruction
Every new season of your life begins with an INSTRUCTION. What we do with that instruction determines whether we step into our new season or not. Our tomorrow is determined by the instruction we obey today. Activation of the promise of God always begins with an instruction. What we do with the instruction determines whether we ACTIVATE the promise.
Instruction carries with it INFORMATION, and information is power. Hosea 4:6 says “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.” With instruction we are informed of God’s promise. Revelation becomes the carrier of hope and we begin to believe that all things are possible! The hearing of the Word brings faith because the Word is filled with information and revelation concerning the promise of God. Once you have HEARD, you can BELIEVE. Once you BELIEVE, you can OBEY.
When we ask God for a miracle, He responds by giving us an instruction. Each instruction requires OBEDIENCE. Hearing the Word is never enough. Once we have heard and believed, then we can obey! Just a single act of obedience can activate the promise of provision and blessing over your life.
Faith is an ACTION in response to an instruction. Futures are created by obedience to an instruction. Once you have received a Word from God, what you DO in response to that Word is what constitutes faith. When we are faithful to obey the voice of God, we activate the windows of heaven to open, and the blessing of the Lord to flood every area of our lives!
As you hear the instruction and revelation of Resurrection Seed, my prayer is that you would do more than HEAR. My prayer is that you will respond in obedient faith – and ACTIVATE the promise in your life!
God's Instruction Always Requires Our Involvement
In Matthew 19:26 the Bible says “With men this is impossible; but WITH GOD all things are possible.” Notice carefully that it says WITH God. He is quite capable of moving every mountain that you face, but He refuses to do it ALONE. God is waiting for someone to do it WITH!
Any time God gives you an INSTRUCTION your INVOLVEMENT is required. How we participate with God through obedience will determine how God participates with us. Your miracle is not waiting on God to move, your miracle is waiting on you to move! Your response to His Word is what activates His promise and releases the harvest.
In 2 Kings 5, the Word of the Lord came to Naaman, the leper, and directed him to go down to the Jordan and to dip seven times. The Jordan was a dirty river, and not very desirable to bathe in. Naaman didn’t want to do it. Sometimes the instructions that God gives us are DIFFICULT and undesirable, but that doesn’t mean they are not POWERFUL and IMPORTANT. In fact, often times the more difficult and undesirable the instruction, the more powerful the harvest. Eventually, Naaman obeyed the voice of the Lord and dipped seven times and the Bible says that he was made clean.
“WITH God all things are possible!” In this Easter season God has given us an INSTRUCTION to sow a best seed, a sacrificial seed. That instruction demands our INVOLVEMENT. We must be faithful to gather that seed and to make the sacrifice in sowing it. Our obedience activates God’s promise and our lives collide with the ANSWER we are believing for. Stephanie and I are standing with you in faith this Resurrection Season. We can’t wait to activate the promise as we sow together on Easter Sunday!
The Intersection of Instruction and Involvement is IMPACT!
I sense that we are in a significant moment…in a new season. As we receive God’s INSTRUCTION for our lives, and we become obedient with our INVOLVEMENT; we begin to experience the IMPACT of the promise. Impact is defined as the action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another. When we receive God’s instruction and obey, our lives will inevitably collide with His promise!
That intersection of instruction and involvement is the place of IMPACT. Do you remember the first time your life collided with the presence and power of God? Do you remember how EVERYTHING changed? I want to declare to you today that it’s about to happen AGAIN. Just when you think that your life and circumstance is hopeless, God’s promise stands waiting to be ACTIVATED.
More than 20 years ago I heard the revelation of Resurrection Seed. I heard that when God wanted a family, he sowed a Son into the fertile soil of Passover. That revelation carried with it an instruction to sow a “best seed,” one entire week's income. I remember the feeling of anticipation that filled my heart as I begin to gather my seed. My involvement was necessary if I was to follow the leading of the Spirit to the place of sacrifice that He was calling me to. Since then I have moved to an even deeper position of sacrificial giving, and every time my life collides with promise!
In just a few days we will gather to celebrate the cross and the empty tomb on Easter weekend. I invite you to ACTIVATE your promise with a Resurrection Seed and get ready for IMPACT!
Your Seed & Faith Are Bringing Impact In Your Life!