I have found in my more than 30 years of following Christ; FAITH is often a matter of “perspective.” Follow me closely because faith is dependent on you and I “seeing” things GOD’S WAY, or from His “point of view.” It is God’s Word that informs us about “how God see’s things” versus “how things are.” If we’re not careful we will look at HOW THINGS ARE and be filled with fear, doubt, and unbelief; but if we study the Word of God, we will understand HOW GOD SEES THINGS. HOW GOD SEES THINGS is not always in agreement with THE WAY THINGS ARE. It is our FAITH that empowers us to change “the way things are” into the “way God sees things.”
This principle becomes of utmost importance when we deal with the subject of the “HARVEST.” When we walk through “dry seasons”, times when we can’t seem to get an ANSWER from God or we are believing for a miracle and can’t seem to get our mountain to move, it is in these moments our “perspective” is so important. We can look at “the way things are” and tend to think the HARVEST is a “maybe”, DEPENDENT on the right setting, the right connections, or the right set of circumstances before we can receive. But when we allow the Word to inform our PERSPECTIVE, we clearly understand that to God, the HARVEST is never a “MAYBE.”
In Matthew 9:37-38, Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
As we enter into RESURRECTION SEED SEASON and we prepare to sow our most sacrificial seed into the most fertile soil of the year, I want the words of Jesus to permeate every part of your life until it squeezes out fear, doubt, and unbelief. I want you to “SEE” from His point of view, and from His point of view…“the harvest is PLENTIFUL!!!”
As you begin to consider what you will sow this Easter, I want these words to FORM your perspective…“the harvest is PLENTIFUL, because we serve the Lord of the Harvest!!!”
It is the time when dead things come to life again. Joy springs out of sorrow and peace springs out of fear. In this season, “anything is possible to them that believe!”
There are three things to keep in mind when you are believing God for a HARVEST: you need“SEED, SOIL, and SEASON. The right seed, sown in the right soil, and in the right season, will always yield a miracle harvest. As we look forward to Easter Sunday, we know Passover provides the most fertile SOIL and SEASON of the year. When the Father chose to sow His SEED, His Son, He didn’t sow in just any SOIL or in just any SEASON – He chose Passover! As we follow His example to sow our sacrificial seed into Passover soil, we too will experience resurrection power!
In Matthew 9:37-38, Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
As believers, we often struggle with both sides of the equation: the SEED and the HARVEST. At times it is difficult for us to believe for the harvest connected to the sacrificial seed that God has placed His hand on. But I want to remind you that you serve “the Lord of the Harvest!” He specializes in the HARVEST! He can see the harvest in the seed He has directed you to sow. To God the harvest is never a maybe, because as the Lord of the Harvest, He personally oversees the production of your INCREASE! To God the harvest is a GIVEN! It is simply a by-product of the faith required to sow the SEED.
We can also struggle with the SEED because it requires FAITH to move us to the place of sacrifice. The greater the sacrifice, the greater the FAITH necessary to sow it. When the Father sowed His Son, it was heaven’s greatest sacrifice. The Father did not sow “something”, He sowed EVERYTHING. When we sow sacrificially it always gets heaven’s attention.
My prayer for you this Easter is that you too can see the harvest in the seed, and that you believe The Lord of the Harvest is personally overseeing your increase!
Your Bible declares in John 4:34-38, “Do not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are already white for harvest.” Jesus was warning His disciples concerning the “words” they were speaking. We know what we SAY has a dramatic impact on what we receive from God, but that is not the only directive in the verse. Jesus was not only concerned with what they were “saying”, He was obviously concerned with WHERE THEY WERE LOOKING.
WHERE YOU LOOK will always determine WHAT YOU SEE. If you are not looking in the right place, it is likely you will miss what God is doing in your life. How many times have we been waiting for something that has already been delivered, but we never took possession of it because we were looking in the wrong place?
Jesus was admonishing His disciples to “lift up their EYES and SEE that the fields are white for harvest.” When we are discouraged or disappointed by a lack of answers from God, we can easily lose our eye discipline and begin to look DOWN instead of looking UP. In Psalm 121:1-2 David said, “I will lift up my eyes to the hills from which cometh my help. My help comes from the Lord.”
When we FEEL DOWN, we tend to LOOK DOWN, and what we see reinforces what we FEEL instead of reinforcing the TRUTH of God’s Word concerning our lives. Christ’s admonition to His disciples was to “LIFT UP their eyes and LOOK at the fields that were already white with harvest.” Could it be that what you are believing for is already standing in the field? Could it be you are simply looking in the WRONG PLACES for the harvest you so desperately need? Is it possible “the Lord of The Harvest” has already prepared something “eyes have not yet seen, and ears have not yet heard?”
This Easter I want to invite you to LOOK AGAIN and to look in the right place! There is no better place to look for a harvest than at the feet of the Lord of The Harvest! The seed God is directing you to sow has a miracle harvest attached…if you will only look in the right place!