Since the beginning of the year, I have been declaring over my life, and over everything connected to The Kingdom Center, “Welcome to your Open-Door Season!” This is the year of God’s Open Door, and it’s an invitation for each of us to enter new levels of faith and obedience so that He might deliver us into the land of promise.
In Matthew 16:19, Jesus declares, “I will give you the Keys of the Kingdom...” keys operate doors, but a key is of no use if you don’t know which door it will unlock. As we make our journey towards Passover and the sowing of a Resurrection Seed, I want to introduce you to God’s Door of Abundanceand teach you the keys that unlock it.
In John 10:10, we find one of the centerpieces of our faith in God. It is God’s “Declaration of Intent”for all who would put their trust in Him. He says, “I have come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly!” God’s intention for our lives is that we live in a level of abundance so that we might be the blessing that the world is so desperate for. And yet so often our lives fail to resemble the abundance that He came and gave His life to provide.
It is difficult for us to imagine more than enough when we are faced with the realities of our lives, and yet, that is exactly what abundant means, more than enough! We can feel trapped in a season of lackand not enough that can make the provision of God seem very distant and difficult to attain, but just like every door, the Door of Abundance has a key! Every farmer knows that to receive an abundant harvest, we must sow an abundant seed. To receive, we must be willing to give. Giving can be difficult especially when we are so desperate to receive! But giving is a prerequisite to receiving in the Kingdom of God. Your seed is the key that unlocks God’s door of abundance!
As we prepare to sow our most sacrificial seed into the most fertile soil of the year this Easter, I want you to consider the key that God has placed in your hand, and as we are faithful to use our key, God will be faithful to open the door!
I have heard it said that “today is the father of tomorrow, and today’s challenges are the children of yesterday’s decisions.” Our lives in the present are a result of our decisions in the past. If we are going to experience different in the future, we must make different decisions in the present. If this is indeed God’s season of the open door, each one of us is going to have to decide to use our key and walk through that door today!
As we approach Passover, I have been thinking a lot about God’s intention for my life. We all have those things that we desire or feel like we need, but I believe that it is important for us to have a real revelation of what God desires for our lives so that we don’t settle for something that is beneath our birthright. In 2 Corinthians 9:8, Paul is teaching the growing church in Corinth concerning God’s intention for their lives. He writes to them and says, “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.” What a mountain of revelation found in just one verse.
Paul first deals with God’s ability as he declares, “God is able!” As we prepare to sow our most sacrificial seed this Easter, I want these words to resonate throughout your life…God is Able!!! No matter the need or the request…God is able! He is able to open the Door of Abundance so that each of us might be prepared for the work that He has for us to do! We spend so much of our lives operating from a place of lack that it is hard for us to comprehend what abundance would look like. And yet, abundance is His intent for our lives.
I want to invite you to join Stephanie and me this Passover season as we prepare to step through the Door of Abundance using the key that he has placed in our hands. Giving one week’s income or more is never an easy thing, and yet when we fully believe in God’s ability to multiply the harvest back to us, it makes sowing an act of faith that swings wide the Door of Abundance in our lives and prepares us for the good work of being a blessing to the world.
Thank you for taking a minute today and allowing me to declare over your life and family that “He is not here, He is risen!” Jesus is alive forevermore! He has thrown off the shackles of death, hell, and the grave and rose triumphant. He did all of that for the sole purpose of giving us life, and life more abundantly. I believe that on Easter Sunday the Door of Abundance is going to swing wide open!
I want you to pay close attention to the words found in Isaiah 45:1-3, “This is what the LORD says to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of to subdue nations before him and to strip kings of their armor, to open doors before him so that gates will not be shut. I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.”
I want to shout it from the rooftops! There are “hidden treasures, and riches stored in secret places” for the children of God, all we must do is get the door opened to receive them! I want you to notice all the times that God says “I will” in just three verses. He says, “I will go before you…I will level the mountains…I will break down the gates…and I will give you treasures.” There are things that you and I simply cannot do and so often our focus is what we can’t do instead of what God has promised to do.
I believe that God is prepared in this season to Open Doors so that the gates will not be shut, but we must prepare the key. The revelation of Resurrection Seed is a key that opens the Door of Abundance. The sowing of a sacrificial seed is our part, but once the seed is sown God steps in and declares I willsave your family. I will heal your body. I will bless your finances! I will open the door that reveals “hidden treasures in secret places.”
Are you preparing your key? Are you locating your seed? Are you prepared to sacrifice in your giving so that you can step into the “I will” of God? I want to encourage you to join Stephanie and me this Easter as we use our key and open the door to God’s abundance!
In Galatians 6:7, the Apostle Paul highlights an absolute principle in Scripture. He writes, “For whatever a person sows he will also reap.” He goes on to write in 2 Corinthians 9:6, “The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.” When it comes to the harvest that we are desperate for, the Bible makes it clear that the responsibility of the harvest falls on the seed! Without a seed there can be no harvest!
There are three irrefutable Laws of the Harvest that we must pay close attention to if we are going to walk through the Door of Abundance in 2024. No matter what it is that we desire as a harvest from the Lord, these laws must be known, understood, and obeyed if we expect to receive. The first Law of the Harvest is that you reap what you sow. Every seed produces after its kind. If you sow an apple seed, you will get an apple tree. We simply cannot expect to plant one thing and receive another.
The second Law of the Harvest is that you reap more than you sow. God will bless what you have, but He can only multiply what you sow. In the harvest, what comes back to you is always greater than what you sowed. Our God has the ability to multiply the seed into a supernatural harvest. Just as He did with the little boy’s lunch of five loaves and two fishes. God can take a Hebrew Happy Meal and turn it into a feast that feeds 5,000 with 12 baskets left over!
The third Law of the Harvest is that you reap later than you sow. The hard part about harvesting is that it takes time to see your efforts pay off. That’s why many people never see the harvest. They start off well, but they give up too soon.
We live in a generation of instant gratification. I know I’m like that. When I diet, I want to see the results right away. I want to eat salad one time and see the difference the next morning, but life doesn’t work like that. Real change takes time to grow, but it is always worth the wait!
If we expect to walk through the Door of Abundance, we first must inspect our seed. As we prepare to sow as a family on Easter Sunday, I want to encourage you to inspect your seed. What are you believing for…what are you desperate to receive from the Lord? Our need is what helps us identifyour seed. I want you to know that I am praying for you and for the sacrificial seed that God has placed on your heart to sow, that you would sow it with confidence knowing that it is the key that unlocks the Door of Abundance!
My heart is so stirred today! I have caught a glimpse at what lies behind the Door of Abundance, and I am determined to walk through that door in 2024, and I’m going to pull you and your family through that door with me! The Soil of Passover provides for each of us a Divine Opportunity to step into the greatest harvest of our lives. God the Father sowed His only Son into Passover Soil, and in just three days that seed arose to release the greatest harvest the world has ever known, and it is still producing a harvest more than 2,000 years later!
There is a powerful group of scriptures that I want to draw your attention to found in Psalm 37:3-5; it is a call and response. God gives a condition and then follows it with a promise. It says, “Trust in the Lord, and do good; and so shall you dwell in the land, and be fed. Delight yourself also in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your ways to the Lord; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass!”
He first says, “Trust in the Lord…and you will dwell in the land.” He is the centerpiece of our hope! When we confide in God and conform our lives to His righteous standards; we get to live in the land of His promises! The truth is that when it comes down to it, we can all struggle with trust when it comes to our lives and finances. It’s not that we don’t think that He can, but we often have doubts that He will do it for us! Our trust must be based upon His steadfast promise that what He said, He will do!
Secondly, He says, “Delight yourself also in the Lord…and He will give you the desires of your heart.” When we make God our heart’s delight, then we shall have our heart’s desire. When we look into Him, when He becomes the center of what we seek, He begins to deal with the desires of our hearts. We become frustrated when we begin to seek for things instead of seeking for Him. When we make God our focus and the source of our joy, He begins to change our desires to match His will for our lives! As we take great pleasure in knowing and seeking after Him, we begin to want what He wants for our lives. He gives us the desire, which is in accordance with His Word and will, and then He answers that desire by releasing the provision to satisfy it.
Thirdly, He says, “Commit your ways to the Lord...and He will bring it to pass.” This third step in the process may be the most important, as well as the most difficult. We often want God to be committed to us, our well-being, and our requests, but we find it much more difficult to commit to following Him and trusting Him completely.
The Door of Abundance has been opened over the family of God, but we must take the appropriate steps if we are to walk through it. As we prepare to sow a Resurrection Seed into Passover Soil on Easter weekend, someone is going to Trust Him, Delight in Him, and Commit to Him, and you are going to find that “He will bring it to pass!”
It is almost here, the moment we have all been waiting for, the day the stone gets rolled away, and death gets swallowed up in Victory! The day the Father’s Seed arose to speak life to every generation that would follow, and “because He lives…we shall live also!”
This season has always captured my heart and imagination. That the God of the heavens would love humanity so deeply that He would sacrifice His only Son so that you and I could receive life, touches me deeply. Who am I that He would surrender His seed to the ground. Who am I that Jesus would humble Himself and walk the Via Dela Rosa carrying His own cross so that He could lift the burden of sin from my shoulders? What an amazing truth! What a glorious salvation!
The fact of the matter is this was the only way! This was the step that must be taken to secure His Bride for eternity. This was the only way, because to receive a harvest a Seed Must Be Sown! Even Jesus, when faced with the realities of the step He was asked to take, asked the Father, “Isn’t there another way?” So often when the step is difficult and calls for sacrifice, we want to find another way.
When God led the Children of Israel out of Egyptian bondage, He promised that He would give them “a land that flowed with milk and honey.” He promised them “houses they didn’t build, and vineyards they didn’t plant, and wells they didn’t dig.” God’s heart for His people was that they live in a place of abundance! In Joshua 1, He lets them know that there were steps that needed to be taken. He makes it clear that the promise was dependent on the steps!
When it comes down to it, we all must answer the question, “what steps are we willing to take?” Their steps would lead them to the front door of their greatest opposition. Our obedience can often lead us to places that are difficult and discouraging. The walls of that fortress at Jericho seemed to reach the sky. It looked like an impossible situation. When you take the appropriate steps, it opens the door for you to receive the promise of God!
On Easter Sunday morning we are going to take a step that will open the Door of Abundance over your life and family! We are going to sow a Resurrection Seed that will break the back of lack in your life. Are you ready to take the step? Are you ready to step through the door of abundance into the promise of God? Stephanie and I are praying for you as you prepare to sow! We join our faith with yours, and we can’t wait to Step into Promise with you!
I wanted to take a minute today to say Thank You from the bottom of my heart. This Easter was an absolute miracle in every way. For every servant that stood in their place, for every prayer that was prayed, for every person that was invited, and for every Seed that was planted in the fertile soil of Passover by faith; I want to say Thank You!
This is the year of God’s Open Door. This is the year that we are believing for access and opportunity like we have never seen or experienced in our lives. Every door that we are presented with this year has a key, and as we are faithful to use the keys that we have been given, I believe that we will possess the promise of God!
The Door of Abundance opens when we are faithful to use the Key of Giving. The moment that we put our seed into the ground by faith, we become eligible for a Harvest! When God the Father sowed the seed of His only Son into the soil of Passover in just three days the Door of Abundance opened for all who would believe! Each of us has been the recipient of the abundant life that the Father’s seed came to give.
Now, it’s harvest time! Mark 4:29 says, “When the fruit is brought forth, immediately he puts in the sickle, because the harvest is come!” No matter what you are believing for…it’s Harvest Time. Now it is time to use your sickle and reap. Speak the Word of promise over your seed, weed out the thoughts of fear and doubt, water your seed with declarations of faith, and refuse to wait until the battle is over, Shout Now! Praise God daily like it’s already done and watch the Door of Abundance open over you and your family.
No matter what you are believing for, or how long you have waited, your seed sown in faith will produce, the door will open, and when you receive, I want to testify about it! You can send all of your testimonies of breakthrough to I want you to know that Pastor Stephanie and I are standing with you and covering you in prayer each and every day, and we can’t wait to celebrate with you over the harvest!