
Matthew 1:21 says, “and Mary shall bring forth a Son, you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” This was the Father’s Son.  His seed that would come into our world for a singular purpose and that was to bring salvation to all who would believe.  You and I are the harvest on the Father’s seed!  Throughout the ages that singular seed has stayed true to its purpose and has reaped a perpetual harvest.

I want you to notice something important that the Father did when He sent His seed into the earth - He named Him. “And you shall call His Name Jesus!”  He didn’t rely on Mary and Joseph to choose a name for the Savior of the world. He gave His seed a name.  The name that He chose would reveal the purpose for which the seed was sent.  Jesus was a SPOKEN SEED before He was a PLANTED SEED!  Jesus was meant to be the Savior of the world, and His name revealed that.  The Father so desperately wanted a family that He willingly sowed a Son.     

  What you call your seed, the name you give it, will determine the purpose of the harvest that it yields.  What is it that you are believing God for?  Where is the void in your life that needs to be filled?  What will you call your seed?  As we approach this Passover season, I urge you to begin to speak; to use your voice just as the Father did to give purpose to the seed that you will sow.  As you sow that sacrificial seed into fertile soil it will produce a harvest, and when it comes out of the ground it will fulfill its purpose!   


Speak Your Seed.
Plant Your Seed.