
Oh, I can hear the shouts even now, “He is not here, He is risen!” It’s Passover season - a season of absolute victory and endless possibilities.  Just as our King Jesus arose on the third day, this is a season where dead things spring to life again!  I speak faith to you today that you would begin to believe again; hopes and dreams long forgotten would once again arise within you because He lives!

In Isaiah 55:10-11, the Bible describes the potency of the Word of God.  It says “that as the rain and snow comes down from heaven and returns not, but waters the earth, and makes it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater.  So shall my Word be that goes forth out of My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it will prosper in the thing I sent it to do.” I want to shout it from the mountain top - it is impossible for God’s Word to fail!

For every situation in our lives, God has given us a Word, a promise for us to attach our faith.  For God’s Word to return to Him, each of us is responsible to send it back by speaking and declaring that Word.  He promised it wouldn’t return void of accomplishing what He sent it to do, but it must return.  The only way it can return is if you declare His Word over your life.

It is our custom on Easter Sunday to sow a Resurrection Seed; a sacrificial, best seed into the fertile soil of Passover.  Just as the Father sowed His Son to bring about salvation and healing to all who would believe, we believe that our seed will spring forth and bring life into the area of our need.  Jesus was the Word that God sent. He was the seed that God the Father planted, and you and I are the harvest on the Father’s seed.  What seed will you sow? What word will you declare that refuses to return void?  I challenge you to consider your seed, and to begin to declare that word today!


Speak Your Seed.
Plant Your Seed.
